
Business Gowth

Growing your existing business using Google and Facebook ad platforms


Google Ads



Business Growth Package Overview

Introduction: The Business Growth package is tailored for companies aiming to accelerate their online marketing efforts and drive measurable growth. This package combines powerful advertising platforms—Google Ads, Google Local Service Ads, and Facebook Ads—to maximize visibility, generate leads, and increase conversions.

Services Included:

  1. Google Ads:
    • We create and manage Google Ads campaigns to help you reach your target audience with precision.
    • Services include:
      • Campaign setup and structure based on your business goals
      • Keyword research and targeting for high-intent searches
      • Creation of compelling ad copy and creatives
      • Bid management to optimize cost-per-click (CPC) and return on investment (ROI)
      • Ongoing monitoring, testing, and performance reporting
  2. Google Local Service Ads:
    • This service ensures that your business is listed at the very top of Google when potential customers search for services you offer.
    • Services include:
      • Setup and optimization of Google Local Service Ads campaigns
      • Local keyword targeting to attract nearby customers
      • Budget management to optimize lead generation at the lowest cost
      • Regular monitoring and performance analysis
      • Assistance with improving reviews and trust scores to enhance ad performance
  3. Facebook Ads:
    • We create engaging, highly targeted Facebook Ads that connect with your audience on one of the most popular social platforms.
    • Services include:
      • Campaign creation and setup based on audience targeting
      • Custom audience creation using demographic, behavioral, and interest-based data
      • Development of eye-catching ad creatives (images and video) and persuasive ad copy
      • Budget optimization to ensure the best cost-per-acquisition (CPA)
      • Ongoing testing, monitoring, and reporting on performance

Why Choose the Business Growth Package?

  • Multi-Platform Strategy: By utilizing the power of both Google and Facebook, you reach potential customers across various touchpoints, maximizing lead opportunities.
  • Comprehensive Advertising: This package leverages a combination of search intent (Google Ads), local targeting (Google Local Service Ads), and social engagement (Facebook Ads) to provide a balanced and effective advertising approach.
  • Data-Driven Results: Every campaign is continually optimized based on performance data to deliver the best possible results, ensuring a high ROI.

Who Is This For?

  • Businesses looking to scale through digital advertising
  • Service-based businesses that need consistent, high-quality leads
  • Companies aiming to build brand awareness and engage with potential customers online


  • Google Ads: Campaign setup within 3-5 days, with ongoing optimization continuously for 3-6 months (recommended)
  • Google Local Service Ads: Setup and go-live within 2-3 days with ongoing optimization
  • Facebook Ads: Campaign setup within 3-5 days, with regular updates and monitoring for 3-6 months (recommended)

Pricing: Custom pricing based on your advertising budget and business goals. Contact us for a free consultation and to discuss how we can create a tailored growth strategy for you.

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